Part VIII: In Our Series on Business Valuation: Quality of Books

The Importance of Solid Financial Records in Business Valuation Welcome back to the eighth part of our series on business valuation. In this installment, we delve into the critical topic of financial records and their impact on the valuation process. Quality records are imperative to a smooth sales process when you want to build trust, […]

A Perfectly Executed Business Exit: A Case Study

A Perfectly Executed Business Exit: A Case Study July 11, 2023 “Every business owner is going out the door, the question becomes: are they going out on their own two feet or are they going out on a stretcher?” Selling a Business Selling your business is often fraught with emotion, expectation and apprehension. You have […]

Common Value Drivers – Blog 1 of Many

Common Value Drivers – Blog 1 of Many July 11, 2023 Over the next several months I plan to methodically address common, but mission critical “Value Drivers” that every Seller (and every Buyer) should be assessing with respect to a Company’s enterprise value. Too often, we look at the financial numbers alone and leap straight […]

Part II in Our Series on Business Valuation – Market Conditions

Part II in Our Series on Business Valuation – Market Conditions July 9, 2023 Part II in Our Series on Business Valuation – Market Conditions Last month, we opened the discussion on how the value of your business is generally determined. This month, in Part II, we will delve into our series discussing specific value […]

Part III in Our Series on Business Valuation: Industry Conditions

Part III in Our Series on Business Valuation: Industry Conditions July 8, 2023 As we continue our series on Business Valuation, we go to Transworld of the Gulf Coast M&A Specialist, Bill Whiston, for his perspective on industry conditions and how they impact the value of your business. Bill has many years of experience as […]